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"Mountaineer's Journal"
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A diary describing a mountaineer's thoughts. Found near Abessa City.
Mission item
10 Icon Elexit

Mountaineer's Journal is one of the mission items in ELEX. Reading it provides 20 XP.

Location[ | ]

The Highest Peak

Peace. That is the secret of the mountains. Here in the thin air above the Berserkers, Outlaws and Albs.
I am ready for the challenge that awaits. Now that I have conquered the cliffs of Tavar. I will head to Xacor.
I have heard many stories about the land behind Xacor. Of cities, of lakes and secretive people. Now, I will see these things for myself Whatever the cost.
And that cost could come soon, I heard something rumbling above the mountains. I think that a troll lives there somewhere. That's one challenge I must avoid.
I found out the code: 4259. I will leave all of my things there for the day I return. Just don't forget the book.

~ content of the journal